The race to return humans to the Moon is heating up, and car companies are not staying on the sidelines. In a surprising turn of events, Toyota, the world’s leading automaker, is developing a pressurized lunar rover called the Lunar Cruiser [1]. This isn’t your average SUV; this lunar vehicle is designed to travel the rugged lunar terrain and provide a vital habitat for astronauts venturing far from their base.

The Need for Pressurized Rovers on the Moon

NASA’s Artemis program aims to establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon. The initial missions will see astronauts using unpressurized rovers with limited range, restricting how far they can explore [2]. However, for long-term exploration and scientific endeavors, pressurized rovers are essential.

These pressurized rovers will offer a critical advantage: a pressurized cabin environment. Unlike unpressurized rovers, which require astronauts to wear cumbersome spacesuits at all times, pressurized rovers will allow astronauts to move around comfortably without suits, similar to being inside a spacecraft [3]. This not only improves mobility and reduces fatigue but also allows for longer missions as astronauts won’t be restricted by spacesuit limitations.

Toyota’s Lunar Cruiser: A Game Changer

Toyota’s Lunar Cruiser is unlike any rover ever built. Named after the company’s iconic Land Cruiser, this lunar vehicle boasts impressive features:

Hydrogen-Powered Range

The Lunar Cruiser utilizes a hydrogen fuel cell powertrain, similar to the technology found in Toyota’s Mirai car [4]. This eco-friendly technology offers an estimated range of 6,200 miles (almost 10,000 kilometers), allowing astronauts to explore vast lunar distances even with limited fuel transported from Earth.

Pressurized Cabin

The Lunar Cruiser provides a pressurized cabin environment for up to four astronauts, enabling them to move around freely without spacesuits. This significantly enhances comfort, safety, and mission duration.

Spacious Interior

Despite its compact size (roughly the size of two minibuses parked side-by-side), the Lunar Cruiser offers a surprisingly roomy interior with a pressurized volume of 459 cubic feet, allowing enough space for astronauts to work and live during extended missions.

Collaboration for Lunar Exploration

The development of the Lunar Cruiser is not a solo effort by Toyota. Last week, NASA and its Japanese counterpart, JAXA, signed a significant agreement to collaborate on a pressurized lunar rover [5]. While the agreement doesn’t explicitly mention the Lunar Cruiser by name, given that it’s the only pressurized rover currently in development, it’s highly likely that the Lunar Cruiser is the vehicle in question.

This partnership leverages the strengths of both organizations. Toyota brings its expertise in automotive engineering and hydrogen fuel cell technology, while JAXA contributes its vast experience in space exploration.

Lunar Ambitions: A Seat on Artemis and Beyond

The agreement between NASA and JAXA outlines exciting prospects for lunar exploration. The plan involves Japan building the Lunar Cruiser and NASA deploying it for missions starting with Artemis VII, which is currently targeted for a 2031 launch [6]. The rover is expected to serve NASA for a decade, facilitating extended lunar expeditions.

In exchange for their contribution to the Lunar Cruiser project, Japan has secured a seat for a Japanese astronaut on a future Artemis mission. This has significant implications, potentially altering the order of who will be the first non-American to walk on the Moon under Artemis. Previously, it was assumed a Canadian astronaut would be chosen for Artemis III, the first crewed landing mission. However, with Japan securing a seat, Artemis III could see an all-American crew or an astronaut from Japan taking that historic first step.

Beyond the Lunar Surface

Japan’s commitment to lunar exploration extends beyond the Lunar Cruiser. The nation is also contributing significantly to the Gateway space station, which will be constructed in lunar orbit later this decade [7]. Japan is responsible for developing the station’s environmental control and life support systems, playing a crucial role in ensuring a sustainable human presence around the Moon.

The Future of Lunar Exploration

The collaboration between Toyota, JAXA, and NASA marks a significant step forward in lunar exploration. The Lunar Cruiser, with its extended range and pressurized cabin, will empower astronauts to venture further and achieve more on the Moon. This paves the way for groundbreaking scientific discoveries, the establishment of a long-term lunar base, and ultimately, a stepping stone for missions to Mars and beyond.


[1] Toyota Announces Development of Lunar Cruiser: A Pressurized Rover for Lunar Exploration

[2] NASA’s Artemis program:

[3] Information about pressurized rovers on the Moon: (or similar reliable source)

[4] Information about Toyota’s Mirai car:

[5] Collaboration between NASA and JAXA on a pressurized lunar rover: (or similar reliable source)

[6] NASA’s Artemis missions:

[7] Gateway space station:

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