Karachi Eid Forecast: Rain May Put a Damper on Heat, But Not Celebrations

Karachi residents can expect a slight change in weather patterns as the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) predicts thunderstorms with rain for the city on April 13th and 14th, coinciding with the Eid al-Fitr holidays. This news comes as a welcome relief from the scorching heat that has gripped the city in recent days.

Western Disturbances Bring a Shift

According to the PMD’s Early Warning Centre, a series of western disturbances will move into the country, bringing a change in wind patterns. The second disturbance, expected to arrive on April 12th and linger till the 15th, is likely to cause the thunderstorms and rain in Karachi. These showers may be accompanied by gusty winds and dust storms, offering a temporary respite from the scorching temperatures.

Impact on Eid Celebrations

While rain may lead to some adjustments in outdoor festivities, it could also offer a cooler and more comfortable environment for celebrating Eid al-Fitr indoors. Residents can gather with loved ones, enjoy traditional delicacies, and participate in online activities.

Heatwave Threat Remains Low

The PMD advises that despite the potential for rain, Karachi will likely remain warm in the coming days. While temperatures in some areas of Sindh could still reach up to 42°C, Karachi might see a slightly lower range between 36°C and 38°C. Additionally, the humidity levels are expected to remain low, minimizing the risk of a full-blown heatwave.

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